Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Part 1: Use it and never waste it -->Talent is Human Brain

We are humans; basically animals but with well developed neocortex (Brain). Our brain helps us to be self aware and even contemplate over our existence itself. This is our gift; the ability to think, to reason out and to experiment over the reality surrounding us. Of-course that is the sole reason for success of our species over the planet. But inadvertently the greatest flaw in our brain is the ability to accept facts without questioning them. I don't know how and why we accept rules without questioning them just on the basis of faith; as if reward for being faithful and hence the associated greed with the reward takes control over our rational mind. Every human on this planet knows how to differentiate a human from another animal; none will ever fail. Yet it is so hard for us to believe that we are all equal; after all we are all humans. Aren't we!!! Then 'why o why!' do we differentiate people based on religion; based on race; based on color. Why is our neocortex shutdown in such matters. Why can't we look around; reason out and experiment ourselves to find the truth; rather than reading dictatorial books with no experimental evidence and so then we accept DOGMAS? We are actually wasting the efforts of thousands and thousands of generations of worthy scientists and repeating the same mistakes again. Is it worth to call such peoples or such a way of life being HUMAN?; by wasting the talent of our species and making the whole mass an absent-minded reptilian brain; isn't it rudimentary and devolving . By not reading the scientific literature and further by not applying the knowledge in real life we are wasting human resources. The whole species would be dumb like an animal with under-developed neocortex; if we don't start reasoning out over the DOGMATIC assumptions.
"I will Believe in SCIENCE more than RELIGION! I will reason and experiment the unproven dogmas before passing it down to another. As it is for our brains' worth that i will not let it down. And I will keep updating myself of recent findings to upgrade my Knowledge"

Part 2: The birth of life on Earth?--> Yes a mystery but not bewitchery 

The origin of life on our planet is one of the biggest questions in the field of scientific world. Many scientists have literally scratched their scalps to the brain for answers; so far the enormous scientific data that was verified by repeating the experiments hundreds of times has led them to provide theories for how life must have evolved. This is painstaking process and requires use of BRAINS rather than sitting, reading some unverified text and being lethargically agreeing to it as Truth just because some event has made you realize the hurt during life. Reading the text which creates life magically in few days that denies the existence of fossils (dinosaurs) before so called creation is nothing but stupor state. Yes I do agree that origin of life is still a mystery but it is not a topic to slaved by dogmatic books. You see the so called preachers use it to bewitch the innocent mind; just so as to satisfy their needs of simplistic understanding of that topic. These lechers will keep on drinking your naive minds unless you take charge and start the treatment. The treatment is to read scientific literature and understand the efforts involved behind putting forward theories. The endless examples and repeated experiment that tested the theories. Maybe in future some aspects of the theory will be modified but its just an up-gradable nature and attitude of science that holds its integrity and is hence a key for progress.